Please help us during the 2022 CSTA+ chapter member recruitment drive!
The more CSTA+ chapter members we have by Monday, October 31, the more money that comes directly to CSTA Alabama!
  • Joining CSTA+ now directly supports our chapter as $10 per CSTA+ chapter member goes directly to our chapter for programming and support.
  • In addition, your CSTA+ membership pays dividends in the form of:
    • Discounted "How We Teach Computing" Summit registration (an $84 savings)
    • Free Professional Learning Series registrations (a $30 savings per webinar)
    • Discounted "Equity in Action" Summit in the Spring (an $84 savings)
    • Discounted CSTA 2023 registration (coming soon)
    • Access to our extensive library of Conference, Summit, and Learning Series recordings and resources
    • Not to mention, ALL of the CSTA+ Benefits listed here
Invite your colleagues to join CSTA & CSTA Alabama, and please consider upgrading to CSTA+.